Tuesday May 28, 2024

Episode 71 - The convo about what to stop doing if you want more success

Hey there, High Vibe Tribe!

This episode is all about what to stop doing if you want more success in your life & business.

Have you been Playing Small? Time to wave goodbye! 

We're shattering those self-imposed barriers like a boss. 

Your success? Well, it's directly proportional to the size of your ambitions – time to dream big or go home! 

Let's quit designing our lives based on what Great Aunt Doris thinks and instead, let's paint our own damn masterpieces!

Plus we're unravelling the mysteries behind our chronic ‘let's-do-it-later’ syndrome. Spoiler alert - it's all in the mind! 

To sum it up, it's time to karate chop those self-set limits and give procrastination a run for its snooze button. 

Dream big, act bigger – it's all about the moves you make today that'll have you high-fiving your future self. 

We’re also going to be dismantling the rusty old shackles of past dominant thinking! 

We're talking about the revolutionary concept that your past is like last season's fashion – interesting, but totally doesn't define your present pizzazz. 

But wait, there's more! 

We've got the secret sauce for mastering the 'no'-versation. We're here to show you that 'no' is your new BFF. 

From politely declining to full-blown 'no' magic, we've got you covered. 

So buckle up, and get ready to own your awesomeness and sprinkle that 'no' fairy dust like a pro! 

Your journey to a life bursting with vibes and vigour starts now!


Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here - https://dawnowen.com/club/


And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thehighvibetribe for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

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