The High Vibe Tribe Podcast

Welcome to the High Vibe Tribe Podcast - this is the podcast for you if you are looking to create HUGE breakthroughs in your life and business, so that you can achieve the freedom and impact you want and deserve – and live your version of a High Vibe Life! Hosted by Master Coach Dawn Owen, each week you’ll hear either guests sharing their stories, tips and learnings from their own life and business,or Dawn sharing the coaching tools, business strategies, and general musings, that are going to give you a new way to look at things – if you choose to! There’ll be new episodes at least once a week, so make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any of the juice! So, buckle up, open your mind, and welcome to the High Vibe Tribe! P.S. - don’t forget to come and join our FREE High Vibe Tribe Community over on Facebook -

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9 hours ago

Welcome back, High Vibe Tribe!
In this episode, we're diving into the behind-the-scenes magic of our latest event. 
From the initial spark to smashing ticket records, we’ve been on a whirlwind journey!
We'll talk about the stress, the excitement, and the incredible impact on everyone involved!
I share my personal learnings, and how embracing my unique approach brought a sense of relief and ease. 
The event day was nothing short of magical; and you'll hear about protecting my energy, the importance of integration time, and the rollercoaster of emotions post-event.
Get ready for insights on leading, tweaking, and constantly up-leveling our game. 
This episode is packed with real-time breakthroughs and the importance of staying aligned with your future self every day.
Tune in for a heartfelt, high-vibe journey through our biggest and best event yet! 
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live! event here -
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Hey There High VIbe Tribe!
This episode is packed with the juiciest, most actionable tips to skyrocket your business revenue!
As always, I’m sharing only what I use myself, so here’s my 4 (and a Bit!) Game-Changing Tips to get more money in your business, NOW!
Visibility - Light Up the Room!
Are you really showing up? 
Are you bringing your full self to the table? 
No more holding back - shine bright and let the world see the real you!
Basics - Don’t Dismiss Them!
The basics are the foundation of your success, but we often get caught up in fancy strategies and forget what got us here. 
Revisit those foundational moves, with the benefit of experience - it could be a game-changer for you!
Track Your Actions - Not Just Results!
Tracking your actions is crucial. 
Results matter, but knowing what actions lead to those results is gold. 
It’s like a food diary for your business - what gets measured, gets done!
Time Management - Get Intentional!
You can’t manage time; you can only manage yourself. 
Be intentional with your priorities. 
Stop saying you don’t have time and start prioritising what truly matters.
Bonus - Task Inventory
This exercise helps you streamline your efforts and boost productivity. 
It’s a game-changer for your business and your life!
Tune in to this episode for the full breakdown of these transformative strategies. 
Episode 71 - The convo about what to stop doing if you want more success -
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live! event here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Episode 73 - The convo about how to have a great relationship with yourself
Hey There High VIbe Tribe!
In this episode, we're diving into the crucial relationship we often overlook - the one with ourselves.
Join me as I share my recent struggle with self-doubt, prepping for a big conference, and how I caught myself spiralling. 
From juggling multiple roles to handling ALL OF THE THINGS, self-care sometimes takes a backseat. 
But guess what? 
It’s essential for our growth!
We'll explore:
Changing negative self-talk with four powerful questions
Surrounding ourselves with positive people
Setting firm boundaries
Practicing self-care to boost our well-being
Get ready for actionable tips and real talk on building a strong, loving relationship with yourself. 
Tune in now and let's level up together! 🚀
Byron Katie - ‘Loving What Is’ -
Brenee Brown on Boundaries -
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live! event here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Get ready to uplevel, Peeps! 
In this episode, we drop four game-changing truth bombs to propel your business and life forward - 
Your Tribe Matters - Surround yourself with radiators, not drains
Embrace the Fear - Growth happens outside your comfort zone
Take Risks, Baby -  Invest in yourself — big rewards require big risks
Face the Challenges Head-On - Every obstacle is an opportunity in disguise
Tune in for the real, raw truths that will inspire and motivate you to new heights! 
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live! event here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Hey there, High Vibe Tribe!
This episode is all about what to stop doing if you want more success in your life & business.
Have you been Playing Small? Time to wave goodbye! 
We're shattering those self-imposed barriers like a boss. 
Your success? Well, it's directly proportional to the size of your ambitions – time to dream big or go home! 
Let's quit designing our lives based on what Great Aunt Doris thinks and instead, let's paint our own damn masterpieces!
Plus we're unravelling the mysteries behind our chronic ‘let's-do-it-later’ syndrome. Spoiler alert - it's all in the mind! 
To sum it up, it's time to karate chop those self-set limits and give procrastination a run for its snooze button. 
Dream big, act bigger – it's all about the moves you make today that'll have you high-fiving your future self. 
We’re also going to be dismantling the rusty old shackles of past dominant thinking! 
We're talking about the revolutionary concept that your past is like last season's fashion – interesting, but totally doesn't define your present pizzazz. 
But wait, there's more! 
We've got the secret sauce for mastering the 'no'-versation. We're here to show you that 'no' is your new BFF. 
From politely declining to full-blown 'no' magic, we've got you covered. 
So buckle up, and get ready to own your awesomeness and sprinkle that 'no' fairy dust like a pro! 
Your journey to a life bursting with vibes and vigour starts now!
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday May 21, 2024

This week on the High Vibe Tribe podcast, we’re shaking things up and sprinkling a little magic into your day.
Life’s been wild in Dawn-Land with curveballs left and right, but I've got the tricks to dodge them! 
Procrastination? Pfft, not today! 
Plus, I've been chilling with my blankie and meditation to tackle stress and a pesky trapped nerve.
I’m levelling up my business game while juggling birthdays, weddings, conferences, and the epic SOLD OUT High Vibe Live event on June 9th.
Missed out? 
No worries – the next one’s on November 17th. Early bird tickets drop on June 9th!
Join the High Vibe AF Club and witness tiny shifts making massive impacts. Founding membership at just £11.11+VAT is a steal!
We’re also chatting about goal-setting and celebrating those small wins. Every step forward is progress, peeps!
Wrapping up with my keynote from the Woman Who Awards – embrace your Audaciously Extraordinary Self! 
Ready for a Dawn Special Pep Talk? Hit play now!
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday May 14, 2024

Hey there, High Vibe Tribe!
 Today we're diving into a topic that I know affects a lot of you – what to do on those 'I just can't' days.
(Yep, even me, your HVAF Bestie has 'em!)
If you’ve ever wanted to crawl back under the covers – this one’s for you!
 I’m going to share with you my top tips for tackling these days head-on.
It's all about moving a bit, jotting down thoughts, and a sprinkle of meditation. Oh, and don't forget to spruce up and create a tidy haven – it's like magic for your mood.
Feeling the 'can't' vibes? Reach out to a buddy, chat it out, but keep it positive. We're human, and life's a mix of ups and downs, right? So, embrace it!
Remember, it's alright to have off days – and I’ve got your back with a plan to turn 'can't' into 'can do.'
Stay sassy and keep rocking, High Vibe Tribe!
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live on Sunday 9th June 2024 here -
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Thursday May 09, 2024

Hey there, High Vibe Tribe!!
This is a really special one for me because I have had a Business Crush on this person for about 5 years!! 
She’s a multi-award-winning entrepreneur who’s built multiple 6-figure businesses since she started in 2016.
It’s Helen Tudor - LinkedIn Guru – I’m giving her that title, that’s not what she refers to herself as, because she’s not a dick in any way!!
She has helped thousands of business owners get clients by showing them exactly how to generate high-quality leads from LinkedIn - for free!!!
She really does know what she’s talking about!
Plus she does all this whilst having a new husband,  four teenage children, two cats and a sausage dog called Dave!
Helen is not holding anything back here - she shares her story from being flat broke, with 2 little kids, to the 7-figure empire she’s built now - and everything in between.
You do not want to miss this one, so grab your ear pods and let’s go!
Here’s how to get in on the Challenge -
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live on Sunday 9th June 2024 here -
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Hey there, High Vibe Tribe!!
This is Super Exciting!!
Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a journey that's all about going deeper, peeling back those layers, and embarking on an adventure with plant medicine!!
The whispers of curiosity about plant medicine have been lingering in the corners of my mind for a few years now, but it wasn't until recently that I decided to lean into that intrigue and explore what lay beyond.
So here I am, standing at the threshold of a new chapter, brimming with excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead, and I invite you to join me on this exhilarating adventure of self-discovery and transformation. 
Grab your ear pods and let’s go!
Get your tickets for the next High Vibe Live on Sunday 9th June 2024 here -
Check out the new High Vibe AF Club here -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibes, until we’re back with the next episode; and in the meantime, keep those Vibes, HIGH!!

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Hey there, High Vibe Tribe! 
It’s been ages since I did an Actual Interview Episode, so here’s a great one for you today..
It’s Sharon Louca of Women’s Business Network.
Sharon is sharing how she accidentally got started in business for herself, and what a crucial role networking played, in the success of that business.
So much so, it prompted Sharon to set up her own successful women’s online network.
I loved this chat, particularly because Sharon displays a great trait of just getting on with stuff - not having to have the next 57 steps worked out; just the next step.
If you’re a new listener, check out some of our previous Fave Episodes - 
Episode 55 - Scarcity & Abundance
Episode 63 - Death Goo Valley & Transformation 
Episode 60 - Morning Routines
Come and join us at High Vibe Live on Sunday 9th June 2024. You can get all the info and book your tickets here -
If you want to apply for a complimentary session of High Vibe AF Group Coaching - then here’s the form -
And don’t forget to come join us inside the High Vibe Tribe Community on Facebook – for more High Vibe
You can connect with Sharon here -
Website - 
All of the Info -
Book a 1-1 Power Hour with Sharon



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